Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I can hardly believe that Christmas is in 9 days. Time is tricky that way. It really feels like the kids and I were barely having a sleepover in the treehouse under the summer sky. Now it's winter, we wake up and it's still dark. This morning there was another dusting of snow on the ground which makes me all the more excited for the big day. I love a white christmas. I feel like these years when my kids are small and innocent and excited about everything are going to go by too fast. It almost makes me cry just thinking about it. I hope they are enjoying their childhood and that we are creating enough happy memories for them. My memories of being a kid are very happy, warm, fun filled (maybe a tich of drama created by non other than myself... but otherwise awesome!) I hope that Christmas in our home is as magical for my kids as it was for me. I'm still a kid at heart. I was thinking this morning about not being able to sleep.... it's already happening!

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